“I offer my life for the Church and the salvation of the world.”
Constitutions 88
Once a young woman is accepted to begin preparation for life as a Franciscan Missionary of Mary, she will spend a period, usually about a year, living with a community of FMM sisters.
Pre Novitiate
During this time, called the pre-novitiate, she discerns, together with the community, if she has a personal call from Christ and the aptitude to live the FMM life. She gradually discovers the FMM vocation and charism. At the end of this time, she decides whether to enter religious life or choose to follow a different path.
The novitiate, which lasts at least two years, marks the beginning of religious life. It is the intensive time of initial formation. Its aim is to ensure that the novices receive formation in accordance with the FMM Constitutions and to provide opportunity for discernment in the evolution of their vocation. At the end of this time, the novices make vows of poverty, chastity and obedience for three years.
Temporary Profession
This is a period when the temporary professed religious deepen their prayer life, experience the depths of community living and may be sent on a temporary mission outside of their own country.
Perpetual Profession
Before making final profession, each sister has a period of reflection and prayer lasting from three to six months depending on her needs. At this time of final profession, the sister receives her first mission sending from the General Superior, assigning her to a mission that may be in any country of the world where there is an FMM presence.
Do you want to share our life as Franciscan Missionaries of Mary?
If you feel a deep desire:
To follow Christ,
To live the Gospel in international fraternity,
To be a sister to all, following the example of Christ,
To be a witness of the Gospel in simplicity, peace, and joy, following the example of Saint Francis of Assisi, then…
“Come and see.”
We are available to welcome you and answer your questions about your faith and the calling you feel within you.