Laudato Si in Action

I am Myriam Ballesteros, FMM, a resident in Orito, Amazonia in Colombia for 22 years. Pope Francis’s encyclical on the Amazon has shed light on this region, crucial for the future of our planet. The Franciscan spirituality is an inspiration through the example of Saint Francis of Assisi, who converted and embraced every creature as a brother and sister.

In 2021, we established the Franciscan Missionary Sisters Ecological Network of Our Lady of Guadalupe region. After taking the time to understand the ecological reality of our region, which includes Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Colombia, we have developed an action plan. This plan serves as a guide for assuming concrete commitments. Engaged and responsible for caring for creation through prayer and commitment, we pledge with others to care for our common home.

We participate in actions through local partnerships. In our pastoral work with youth, women, FMM laypeople, we raise awareness to reduce, reuse, recycle, cut water consumption in homes, propose and reuse seeds, and care for gardens.

This comprehensive action plan permeates our entire being and actions, leading us to the everyday practice of ecological fraternity commitment. We deepen our Franciscan spirituality, living the integral ecological dimension.

Myriam Ballesteros, fmm