Being a Beacon of Hope

“To go to the poor is a need of my soul” wrote Blessed Mary of the Passion. Urged by the same Zeal our sister’s started Pope Paul Mercy Home for the vulnerable individuals in the year 1966 at Ooty. Since then our Mercy Home started rendering services to the marginalized and downtrodden in the society. In the early days many were picked up from the streets, many others like visually impaired, physically and mentally challenged, Paraplegic, mentally ill and elderly who are rejected were brought from families and supported for the upliftment of each one by providing emotional, mental, physical and social Quest of neglected and broken individuals. At present there are 70 inmates of different categories of vulnerabilities.

I am exuberantly Joyful to share my experience of being with these less privileged for the past one year. “Vulnerability is the birth place of love, belonging, joy, Courage, empathy and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability and authenticity”. Yes, these words of Brene Brown are absolutely true. As I reflect  being and working with them gives rich experience and enables me to encounter God’s face in each of them. I state that to deal with vulnerable is challenging and at the same time heartwarming, life learning and rewarding in the eyes of God.

Though they are Vulnerable their faith in God, attitude towards life, gratefulness to God, Contentment in life are admirable. Living together as different individuals from diverse culture and background they are made to realize that they form one big family by taking upon themselves various responsibilities such as laundry, handcrafts, bag making and knitting etc. which makes them belong to Mercy Home family. They also reach out to the needs of each other. They are taught exercises, dance and some indoor games. Every one is involved in different activities to make them forget their past pains, stress and fell that they are needed and valuable. Periodically we give opportunity to show case their talents during recreations, giving flat form to grow socially through the encounter with the out siders like allowing different groups to meet and interact with them.

The daily liturgy is beautified by their melodious singing finds meaning through their earnest prayers, they are also empowered through value education sessions conducted by our sisters. As a result the inmates who were once hopeless became givers of hope to the society. The solidarity that exists among this community is remarkable.

Mercy Home Community attracts many persons of good will, rich and poor to express their solidarity toward these less fortunate. Many people come seeking for prayer request as they firmly believe in their prayers. I personally experience lot of love, care, concern and acceptance from these inmates. It’s not only I who share with them but in turn inspire me through their life experience.

Feeling deeply moved and humble by the resilience and strength of vulnerable individuals helps me to be more patient, compassionate, empathetic, loving, kind, non-judgmental, optimistic, cheerful and self-giving. Working with vulnerable individuals challenges me and pushes me forward each day to witness the heart of God in loving service to them.

Jenitta Mary F.M.M.