The Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
At the Service of Mission in this World
Founded in 1877 by M. Mary of the Passion (Hélène de Chappotin) in the great missionary impetus of the 19th century, the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM) is today an international Catholic congregation at work in 73 countries on five continents. It is part of the Franciscan family.
In almost 150 years, the face of mission has changed, as has that of the world and the Church. But Christ’s commandment remains the same: “Go and make disciples of all nations…. What you have done to the least of these, you have done unto me… By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another…”
Women of different nations and cultures, seized by the Love of Christ, consecrated for the service of the Gospel, we desire, through our whole life, to manifest God’s Love for all, especially the poorest and most abandoned.
Our life as Franciscan Missionaries of Mary has its own distinctive emphases:
- ‘For the mission and its risks,’ a mission without frontiers: open to the world, whatever the country, culture, religion, social background… implying a real disponibility throughout our lives; a mission lived in a spirit of service and respect for others. Open to the challenges of our time and to the priorities of the Church, ready to reach the most disadvantaged, we take on any task that gives priority to human life, or that values and promotes the growth of the human being.
- ‘With the sisters God gives us’: Although we come from different backgrounds, we choose to live together in intercultural communities as a sign of fraternity and reconciliation in this fragmented world. Recognizing the dignity, richness and limitations of each people, of each person, we give flesh to the dream of a world of peace, justice and healing.
- ‘I give myself unreservedly’: An existence shaped by contemplation and action. In prayer, we welcome the mystery of the God of Love; in the Eucharist, celebrated and adored, we surrender ourselves with Christ and draw strength to live this offering; in work, whatever it may be, we unite ourselves with our human brothers and sisters: it is the Lord who sends us and He whom we recognize in each one.
- ‘Behold the Handmaid of the Lord’: We live the mission ‘in Mary’s way’. She offered herself to God’s project in a yes that was never taken back; all her life she collaborated fully in the mission of her Son. First disciple, Mother of the Church, Mary shows us the way and accompanies us.