[block_title style=”column_title” inner_style=”bottom_border” title=”Inn of the Cenacle – 3rd day”][/block_title]

To ensure that the Word of God is given its due centrality, we began the second week of the chapter with the sharing of the Gospel in small groups integrated with Lauds, followed by the Eucharist in the main chapel.

This day helped us to become aware of some of the realities of administration and the challenges that will arise from the creation of the regions. Later on, we shared on the importance of renewing our approach to the Charism, this gift that God has entrusted to us through our Blessed Foundress. All of us have come to a realization that the more we move forward in our transformation, the more we need to draw from the source – the charism and the spiritual journey of Mary of the Passion.

So we continue our journey, attentive to the Spirit, seeking new forms and new lights, towards a new future. Veni Creator Spiritus…