On 17th May, 2014, God led me to Kenya/Ethiopia, an English speaking province and to a place called Kakuma.  When I arrived in this semi-desert place, I found that the local Turkanas and the Refugees were lacking in basic necessities like housing, water, light and food.  It was heartbreaking, but soon I experienced them as friendly, faith-filled, and joyful people.  The poverty and hardship does not stop them from being happy and from sharing a smile or walking that extra mile for some water.

For the first time in my life, I saw amazing participation at the Turkana Mass, singing and dancing from the entrance to the offering, thanksgiving and to the end of mass. They participated with their whole mind, whole heart, whole soul and whole being.  It was truly a celebration and God invited me to be among them, to appreciate their music, their dance and their rhythm. They have great reverence for the Bible, they expressed their joy and welcome  by clapping their hands, as the Bible is being elevated by the priest before it is read.

Looking at the growth of the church, the faith of the people, the schools set up by the early missionaries, the severe poverty that they must have experienced; the lack of roads, language, foodstuff, accommodation, water and electrical supply in those early days must be really tough, God accompanied them and made it possible for them.  Their true love and trust in God certainly helped them to persevere, risk, and forged ahead.  I cannot help but be constantly edified by the faith, the love and the work that they have done to bring us to be where we are today, a people faithful to God, knowing God and worshipping God with great joy.

Who are the missionaries, can I pause for a moment to appreciate, to learn and to love them…….  At this moment I am also appreciating our FMM missionaries, who left home, left their comfort zone, left everything and in many places have started new foundations, faith communities, schools, hospitals and reached out to places where Christ is least known.  As for me, where I am working now, I stand on the shoulders of those who have begun and built the foundation with much trust in God and love for his people.  I have much to learn from them, and thank them for their example, their trust and love for God and his people.  God invites me to do likewise.

Sr. Molly Lim,fmm